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Striving for




Giraffes (Y2)

Welcome to the Giraffe Class









Welcome to Giraffe class with Miss Hughes and Mrs Pilcher. This page is for our parents and children to use together. It includes information about what Y2 are learning, key dates, homework and helpful websites.

Please click here to download the Y2 Topic Long Term Plan

Please click here to download the Y2 Maths Long Term Plan 

Please click here to download the Y2 Writing Standards 

Summer Term


Summer 1

We can’t wait for our new topic, which is called ‘Inventors and their inventions’ which will be focussed all around the topic of inventions. We have lots of exciting things planned as we continue our journey through the Year 2 curriculum.

In literacy, we will be focussing on writing 2 larger pieces of writing, one being an explanation text on aeroplanes and how this invention changed the world. The other piece is their first story, which will be based around time travel. When these are completed, the children will then focus on their SPAG knowledge during recap lessons to prepare them for SATs.

In maths, they will be completing learning to tell the time to the O’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to the hour. In Year 2, children should be able to learn to tell the time to 5 minute intervals. The children will then be recapping their knowledge on place value, multiplication, division, addition and subtraction ready for SATs at the end of this half term.  In RE, we will be learning all about the Muslim faith whilst focussing on different inventors and famous inventions in history. A fun topic they will be covering this half term is Design and technology, where they will be looking at how wheels and axels make objects move. The children will be designing and creating their own plane, adding wheels and axels to hopefully make their plane move on a runway.

Below are some of the books we will be looking at during this topic when it be short extracts or the full book.

Key Vocabulary that we will study during our topic ‘Inventor and their inventions’.

Fake news     diversity     axle     lever       product      design brief      evaluation

                               Inventor     faith      significant      cabin     inventions

Learning what these words mean will help you during this topic.

Summer 2

We are really looking forward to our last topic of the year, which will be called ‘Join the Pride’. This will be a digital literacy topic and will be focused around the film ‘The Lion King’ as well as focussing on our geography learning around the country of Kenya. We have lots of exciting things planned as we continue our journey through the Year 2 curriculum.

In literacy, we will learn to write poetry, setting descriptions, letters and character descriptions. In maths, we will be learning about position and direction as well as measurement. Our afternoon topic sessions will focus on Music, Art, Geography, Science and Computing. 

Below are some of the books we will be looking at during this topic.

Key Vocabulary that we will study during our topic ‘Join the pride.’

    Tempo     Instrument     Volume    Phrase    Timbre    Continent  

       Non-European country    Asia      Eat well plate     emotion


Learning what these words mean will help you during this topic.


Home Learning

Each half term we will send out a home learning bingo grid with tasks for you to complete at home. Here are the summer challenges for you to try. 

Other home learning activities for Summer are -

  • Practise your 2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables related division facts.
  • Telling the time using quarter past, half past. Quarter to and O’clock.
  • Practise finding ½  ¼ and ¾ of a quantity.

Useful Websites

  • White Rose Maths
  • Top marks
  • BBC bitesize
  • Phonics play
  • Oxford reading tree
  • Karate cat (BBC)