Giraffes (Y2)
Welcome to the Giraffe Class
Welcome to Giraffe class with Miss Hughes and Mrs Pilcher. This page is for our parents and children to use together. It includes information about what Y2 are learning, key dates, homework and helpful websites.
Please click here to download the Y2 Topic Long Term Plan
Please click here to download the Y2 Maths Long Term Plan
Please click here to download the Y2 Writing Standards
Spring Term
Our topic for Spring 1 is called ‘Amazing Animals’.
Key Vocabulary that we will study during our topic ‘Amazing Animals’. Tempo Timbre Tally Chart
Habitat Pictograms Materials
Joining Techniques Vocabulary Germs
Learning what these words mean will help you during this topic. |
In English we will be recapping and introducing the children to different SPaG elements that link to this half terms books. The children will then apply these to their writing. We will be focusing on the story ‘The Enormous Crocodile’ and looking at the vocabulary within the story and writing a newspaper article about the events within the book.
In maths we will recapping addition and subtraction methods, then learning different methods for multiplication and division. The children will be learning about shape and measurement.
During the foundation subjects that we will focus on this half term include science, computing, design and technology, music and RSHE. In science we will be learning all about living things and their habitats, then in music they will be learning to create a piece of music and altering that music by changing the dynamics and tempo. The children will develop their knowledge of pictograms and how to create one in computing lessons. RSHE lessons will develop the children’s knowledge about how to stay healthy and prevent germs. In art the children will learn about collage and in design and technology the children will be designing and making an animal puppet.
Spring 2 -
Our topic for Spring 2 is called ‘Amazing Animals’.
Key Vocabulary that we will study during our topic ‘Amazing Animals’. Tempo Timbre Photography
Orchestra Pictograms Sketching
Joining Techniques Vocabulary Germs
Learning what these words mean will help you during this topic. |
This half term’s learning will be a continuation on animals and the children will be focusing on the animals and the vocabulary within the books.
In maths, we will learning to tell the time to the nearest 5 minute interval, mass, capacity and temperature, while recapping the four operations.
During the foundation subjects that we will focus on this half-term include science, computing, RE, music and RSHE. In science, we will be learning all about life cycles, then in music they will learn about notation. The children will develop their knowledge of digital photography. In art the children will learn the different aspects of the drawing techniques and the different grades of pencil.
Important Information
- Our P.E days will be Tuesday morning and Thursday afternoon. Please make sure your P.E kit is in school on these days and labelled with your name and class.
- Please make sure your planner is in school every day so we are able to tell your grownups about your school learning and what you can be working on at home.
- Children’s books will be swapped after they have read them three times. Please ensure that you write in the children’s planners so that I am able to swap them as soon as they need to be J
- Spellings will be tested every Friday.
Home Learning
Each half term we will send out a home learning bingo grid with tasks for you to complete at home. Here are the Autumn challenges for you to try.