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Striving for




Jaguars (Y6)

Welcome to the Year 6 Jaguars class page. The staff at Waverley Junior Academy are looking forward to seeing you all flourish this year. On this page you will find key information regarding your transition to Year 6 and what exciting things we have planned.

Please click here to download the Y6 Topic Long Term Plan

Please click here to download the Y6 Maths Long Term Plan

Please click here to download the Y6 Writing Standards 

Autumn Term

Our topic for Autumn 1 is… Keep Calm and Soldier on

We will learn about the causes of World War II and the life of an evacuee from the view point of both an English and a German Child.  During this topic, we will also begin to understand what it was like living through the Blitz and the impact this had on our local area.

Key vocabulary

Causation                Empire          Conflict         Evidence          Sources

Propaganda             Censorship    Immigration   Persecution          Refugee

It would be really useful if you discussed these words to help develop their knowledge.


In English, we will be inspired by our Guided Reading text to write a diary entry from the viewpoint of a Jewish child fleeing Germany prior to the Second World War.  In addition to this, we will be considering how language was used during this time period to demonstrate our understanding of the use of formal and informal language.

Our Maths learning will begin with recapping place value of numbers up to 10,000,000.  Following this, we will be using a range of mental and written methods to answer questions on the 4 operations.

Other learning:

In art, we are learning how to make stencils and will create our own layered prints.  We will use images from the Christmas Truce to inspire our individual creativity.  We will use our enquiry skills to learn about how to live as a healthy human in Science.  This will see us learning about the different systems in the body and begin to understand how lifestyle affects health.  Our RE enquiry this half-term is "What matters most to Christians and Humanists?".  This allows our pupils to learn in depth about Christianity and Humanism.

Important Information

Our P.E days will be Wednesday and Thursday. Please make sure your P.E kits are in school for these days and are labelled with your name and your class.

Our weekly Spanish lesson will be on Thursday.

Our weekly spelling test will be on a Friday.

Our weekly arithmetic test will be on a Friday and the children will bring these home each week for you to see and support them where appropriate.

Dates for Your Diary

School trip – Crucial Crew – Thursday 10th October 2024

Creative afternoon – Tuesday 22nd October 2024

Useful Websites - Math explained in easy language, plus puzzles, games, worksheets and an illustrated dictionary - Revision through high quality resources - useful for Maths revision help including interactive resources - Learning resources for adults, children and parents organised by subjects. - useful for developing problem solving skills - resources to support SPaG learning. - A useful guide for parents regarding SATs.

Jaguar’s Home Learning

Each half-term, we will send out these bingo grids for you to complete at home. Tick off an activity once you have completed it. It would be lovely to see any pictures or completed pieces of homework!