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Striving for




Pandas (Y1)

Welcome to the Panda Class






Welcome to the Panda class with Miss Haywood and Miss Pellegrina. This page is for our parents and children to use together. It includes information about what Y1 are learning, key dates, homework and helpful websites. This year our main aims are: to develop self-confidence in our learning (even when we make mistakes), to become resilient learners who never give up when faced with a challenge and to become more independent in the classroom.

Please click here to download the Y1 Topic Long Term Plan

Please click here to download the Y1 Maths Long Term Plan

Please click here to download the Y1 Writing Standards 

Summer 1 Term

Our topic for Summer 1 is Food Glorious food!

Pictures/ books related to your topic


Key Vocabulary

deciduous, evergreen, leaves, flowers (blossom), petals, fruit, roots, bulb, seed, trunk, branches, stem, cut, grate, slice, peel, squeeze, flesh, skin, seed, pip, core, diet

Learning what these words mean will help you during this topic.

For the first half of the summer term, we will be focusing on the topic 'Food Glorious food!’ and will be looking at plants and how things grow. Each week we will take a different story off the bookshelf and base our learning around it. The stories will include ‘The tiny seed’, ‘Handas surprise’, ‘Sam plants a sunflower’, ‘Up, down and around’, ‘Oh say you can seed?’, ‘The Enormous turnip’ and many more...

In English, we are focusing on consolidating our phonics knowledge through writing dictated sentences that include sounds from previous learning. Through this we will learn the skill of being able to select the correct sound when there are multiple options. In addition, we will pick an element of spelling, punctuation and grammar to work on.

In Maths, we will be learning about length and height, mass and volume, multiplication and division, before moving on to fractions. We will also be consolidating our knowledge of place value to 50 and recapping our addition and subtraction learning.

In Design and Technology, we will design and make a healthy fruit kebab. We will learn about where fruits and vegetables are grown and use a range of tools safely to prepare the fruit and vegetables for our kebab. We will develop our understanding of healthy eating.

In Science, we will label the parts of a plant and explain their functions. We will also be looking at different types of trees (deciduous and evergreen) and exploring a range of common garden and wild plants.

In Geography, we will build on our knowledge from the Autumn term and continue to learn about the local area.

Throughout the topic we will complete lots of exciting activities, including visiting Sheffield Botanical Garden! We will be celebrating Passover, World Earth Day, Mental Health Awareness week, Walk to school week, National Numeracy Day, outdoor classroom day, endangered species day and Vesak. Parents will also be invited into school for a workshop which will be with the children.

Summer 2

Our topic for Summer 2 is ‘’ A Pirates' Life for me!

Pictures/ books related to your topic


Key Vocabulary

city, capital city, country, continent, sea, ocean, map, globe

sounds, sequence, tempo, soundscape, composition

mechanism, slider, lever, slot, pivot.

Learning what these words mean will help you during this topic.

For the second half of Spring Term, we will be focusing on the topic 'A Pirates' life for me!'. Each week we will take a different story off the bookshelf and base our learning around it. The stories will include ‘Pirate Pete’, ‘Never mess with a Pirate Princess’ and ‘Treasure Island’ and many more…

In English, we are focusing on consolidating our phonics knowledge through writing dictated sentences that include sounds from previous learning. Through this we will learn the skill of being able to select the correct sound when there are multiple options. In addition, we will pick an element of spelling, punctuation and grammar to work on.

In Maths, we will be thinking about place value and counting to 100, position and direction, money, time, and we will consolidate previous learning to ensure we are ready for Year 2!

In Geography, we will study the UK, its capital cities and the seas that surround it. We will learn the names of the 7 continents and the 5 oceans and ensure that we know where to locate them on a map.

In DT, we will use sliders and levers to create ocean-themed moving pictures.

In Music, we will consider the mood of music and how we can represent a particular mood in our own soundscape compositions.

Through the topic we will complete lots of exciting activities, including celebrating World Environment day, healthy eating week, Father's Day, international picnic day and world music day. The children will have a visit in school linked to map making and Pirates. We will be inviting you into school for our showcase.

Our P.E days are Tuesday and Fridays. Please make sure your child has the correct P.E kit in school these days and ensure that it is labelled with their name and class.

Please ensure your child’s planner is in school every day, so we are able to tell you about your child’s school learning and what they can be working on at home.

Spellings will be tested every Friday. New spellings will be stuck in the planners after each spelling test.

Phonics reading books will be changed on Fridays.

Dates for your diary

Earth Day- 22nd April

Passover- 22nd April- 30th April

Botanical Gardens visit- 7th May

Mental Health Awareness Week- 13th May- 19th May

Endangered Species Day- 17th May

Walk to School Week- 20th - 24th May

Parent workshop- 22nd May 9:00am

National Numeracy Day- 22nd May

Vesak- 23rd May

Outdoor Classroom Day- 23rd May

World Environment Day- 5th May

Healthy Eating Week- 10th -14th June

Panda Showcase- 17th June 2:15pm

International Picnic Day- 18th June

World Music Day- 21st June

Pirate dress up day and in school workshop- TBC

Home Learning

Each half-term we will send out a home learning bingo grid with tasks for you to complete at home. Here are the spring challenges for you to try. 

Summer 1 learning grid                                     Summer 2 learning grid



Other home learning activities for Autumn Term are -

  • Read at home each night.
  • Practise the class spellings.
  • Practise reading and writing the tricky words and Year 1 common exception words.
  • Practise phonics - there are some great free games and activities on the Phonics Play website.
  • Practise counting forwards to 100 and backwards from 100.
  • Recap all number bonds within 10 and then 20. Can you say them quickly?
  • Practise counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. Check out these catchy videos to help your child learn their 2, 5, and 10 times table.

Useful Websites lioness/zrrx92p