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Striving for




Bears (Y3)

Welcome to the Bear Class






Everyone has settled into Year 3 extremely well and both Mrs Lilly and Mrs Westwood are so impressed with everyone, especially the resilience shown to overcome new challenges and settle into the expectations held within KS2.

Our focus this year is to increase children’s confidence with their times tables and encourage them to continue with their love of reading.

Please click here to download the Y3 Topic Long Term Plan 

Please click here to download the Y3 Maths Long Term Plan 

Please click here to download the Y3 Writing Standards

Summer Term

Our topic for Summer 1 is Ancient Egyptians.  We will be travelling back in time over 5,000 years to discover what life was like as an ancient Egyptian. We will delve into artefacts and books, take part in a ‘real’ life mummification, crack hieroglyphic codes and understand the roles that Egyptians played in their social society.  We will be continuing this topic into Summer 2.

Key Vocabulary

civilisation              pharaoh                 irrigation                        tomb                    sarcophagus

mummification              embalming             hieroglyphics                         empire

Learning what these words mean will help you during our first topic.


In English, we will be looking at adventure stories and a newspaper linked to the story of ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’.  In our adventure story we will be focusing on creating surprise.  We will be learning how to include the following features in our writing: similes, alliteration, onomatopoeia and direct speech.  Our newspaper article will show the children how to include the 5 Ws in their writing – who, what, when, where and why.  We will also be recapping time connectives.


In Maths, we will be finishing our unit on mass and capacity before going back to fractions.  After this, we will be looking at money. 


In science, our focus is plants.  We will be looking at the parts of flowers and their functions and what plants need to survive. We will be conducting lots of investigations to explore what happens to plants when their needs are taken away.

Key Vocabulary

Leaves, stem, trunk, flowers, roots, anchor, reproduce, nutrients, soil, pollination, nectar, seed, dispersal

Learning what these words mean will help you during this topic.


Please click here to download the Medium Term Planning


Our topic for Summer 2 is ‘Funny Bones’.  We will be learning all about how energy is needed to fuel both plants and animals, discovering which types of food provide the longest lasting energy. We will learn all about how our bodies are able to move thanks to our incredible skeletons and muscles. We will compare skeletons of different animals and consider how diets can impact upon the body.


Key Vocabulary

energy         protein        calcium

invertebrate         endoskeleton        exoskeleton

herbivore    omnivore     carnivore

Learning what these words mean will help you during this topic.



In English we will be writing a persuasive argument to select our class pharaoh. The children will be using emotive language, rhetorical questions and cause and effect connectives to get their peers to vote for them.  We will also be writing about the mummification process – children will be encouraged to present this in a humorous way.  Our final piece of writing will be a play script.  This will be based around the book ‘Funny Bones’.  We will look at how to include stage directions in our writing.


In Maths we will be looking at time, shape and statistics.  In time, the children will be taught how to tell the time in intervals of five minutes, am and pm and we will also look at digital clocks.  In shape, we will be looking at angles as well as how to recognise and describe 2D and 3D shapes.  Statistics will see us looking at different ways of representing data.


In Design Technology we will be looking at healthy food and designing a product, inspired by either the Stone Age or Ancient Egypt, to bring home. This will also include the children designing their own packaging using shell structures. 


Summer 2 MTP


Important Information

Our P.E days are Monday and Wednesday.

Our weekly Spanish lesson will be on a Wednesday.

Our weekly spelling test will be on a Friday.

We will complete book swaps on a Monday.

Weekly times tables test on a Monday.


Dates for your diary

29th January - 7th March – Reading Challenge

W/C 22nd January – Careers Week

31st January – International Zebra Day

6th February (9am) – Parent workshop - supporting reading comprehension

27th February – International Polar Bear Day

6th March – Creative Afternoon

7th March – World Book Day

15th March – Magna school trip

15th March – Red Nose Day (we will celebrate on 14th March due to our school trip)

30th April - Sports Day

7th May - Creative Afternoon

14th May - School Library Service – Ancient Egyptian workshop

18th June (pm) - Learning Showcase 


Home Learning

We ask for you to read 4 times weekly and sign your child's planner.

Play on TT Rockstars and Spelling Shed. 

Each half-term we will also send out a home learning bingo grid with tasks for you to complete at home. Here are the Spring challenges for you to try (remember each challenge is worth 2 Dojos).

Summer 1 learning grid:


Summer2 learning grid:


Other home learning activities for the Summerterm are:

  • Read to an adult at least 4 times a week.
  • Revise your Spanish learning by teaching your adults.
  • Practise your spellings.
  • Practise the 2, 5, 10, 3, 4,6 and 8 times tables. What about in reverse? 

Useful Websites

Times Table Rockstars – a useful webpage to practice times tables -

Topmarks –

Spelling Shed – a useful way to practise new spelling rules that have been taught -

BBC Bitesize – this is a useful webpage where you can access learning with your child at home for different areas across the curriculum -