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Striving for




Leopards (Y4)

Welcome to the Leopard Class








Welcome to the Leopard class with Miss Wild and Mrs Westwood. This page is for our parents and children to use together. It includes information about what Y4 are learning, key dates, homework and helpful websites. 

18.1.24 - SPAG Parent workshop slides

Please click here to download the Y4 Topic Long Term Plan

Please click here to download the Y4 Maths Long Term Plan

Please click here to download the Y4 Writing Standards

Spring Term 

Our topic for Spring 1 is Amazing Amazon!

This half term, our topic will take us to South America, where we will learn all about the countries that make up this amazing continent - with a specific focus on Brazil. We will learn about how the rural and urban areas are different, and we will take a tour of the Amazon rainforest discovering the layers and animals that live there. Whilst learning about the rainforest, we will understand about the biodiversity of plants and animals and why it is important that the Amazon should be protected. 


In English: 

We will be writing a newspaper article to link to the book The Explorer. We will also write a setting description to describe the fascinating Amazon Rainforest. 


In Maths: 

We will be learning how to use written methods for multiplication and division, understand what factors and multiples are and finally understand how to solve the area of rectilinear shapes and build on our knowledge of fractions by looking at tenths, fractions greater than 1 and equivalent fractions. 



In other areas of the curriculum: 

In Art, we will be creating multi-textured collages of animals in the rainforest by taking inspiration from Henri Rousseau’s ‘Tiger in a tropical storm.


In Science: We will be learning all about sound. We will understand how sound is created through vibrations and distinguish between different types of sound. We will investigate how sound travels and find ways to make it travel more effectively.

In music, we will be learning all about samba and following some samba rhythms in a dance. 


In computing, we will be using data loggers to analyse different date. 

In RE, we will be learning about why festivals are special to different religions with a particular focus on Hinduism. We will also be going on an exciting visit to Bradford to have a look around a Hindu Temple. 

In RSHE, we will be focusing on digital media and how we should not believe everything we read and see. 

Our topic for Spring 2 is Brilliant Biomes! 

In this topic, we will be learning all about the different biomes around the world and how they are affected based on their location around the world. We will discover what animals and plants live in these biomes and how they can be adapted to survive in often extreme conditions!  


In Maths: 

First we will be using our knowledge of tenths learnt before half term to expand on our understanding of decimals to 2 places. We will also order and compare decimals. We extend our knowledge of dec imals to learn about money. In this unit, we will convert pounds and pence, estimate amounts and add and subtract totals. Finally, we will be looking at all things time! We will build on prior learning by being able to tell the time on an analogue clock to the nearest minute. We will also convert times between an analogue and digital clock as well as understanding the difference between AM and PM times.



In Science: 

We will be linking of science learning with our Geography topic of Biomes as we will be investigating different animals’ habitats. We will consider why animals live in certain places and also understand how they have become adapted to live in these particular places. 


Other learning: 

We will be learning out about how to stay safe using the internet in computing. In RE we will be continuing to learn about different festivals celebrated in different religions. In RSHE we will be learning about how to treat people fairly even when they may be different to us.


Important Information

Our P.E days will be Tuesdays and Friday. Please make sure your P.E kits are in school for these days and are labelled with your name and your class. 

Our weekly Spanish lesson will be on Thursday.

Our weekly spelling test will be on a Friday.

Our weekly times tables test will be on a Wednesday, but we will be practising times tables every day. 


Honeybee’s Home Learning 

Each half term, we will send out these bingo grids for you to complete at home. Tick off an activity once you have completed it. It would be lovely to see any pictures or completed pieces of homework! 

Create a leaflet about the Amazon rainforest. What interesting facts can you find out? 

British Values- Laws 

If you could be a member of parliament for the day, what rules would you put in place or change and why? 

Can you make an animal out of fruit and vegetables?


Can you practise telling the time on an analogue clock? Can you tell when it is time for bed? 

Can you write a book review on the latest book you have read?

Who would you recommend it to? How many stars would you give it? 


Can you learn 5 different animals in Spanish?

Can you draw and colour/ paint an animal from the Amazon rainforest?

Can you listen to some Samba and create a short dance routine? 


Can you donate one of your toys to charity? 





Create a poster about what biomes are. What interesting facts can you find out?  

Practise your times tables, how quickly can you write your 6, 7 and 8 x tables?

Can you explain the storyline of your favourite book? Why is it your favourite book?


Can you make a MRS GREN poster – the 7 signs of life?

Easter Egg competition – can you design and eggscellent easter scene using decorated eggs?

Can you learn different types of plants in Spanish? 

Can you do some meditation? Where is your happy place?

British Value – Respect 

Write about somebody you know or someone famous that you respect – why do you respect them?


Write down what you would give up for Lent and why?

Other home learning activities for Spring 1 are:

  • Read to an adult at least 4 times a week and record this in your home learning book- you will get a honeybee token every week if this is logged in your planner! 

  • Practise your spellings. Can you use each spelling in a sentence? Can you give the definition of each spelling?

  • Practise all times tables up to 12 x 12. Can you answer quick fire questions in and out of order? Go on Mathsframe and try to beat you score out of 25. 


Useful websites:

Times Table Rock Stars -

Hit the button -

Multiplication Tables Check Practice -

Pobble 365 -

Literacy shed -

Rollama (SPAG) -