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Striving for




Zebras (Y3)

Welcome to the Zebra Class






Welcome to Zebras class with Miss Martin and Miss Yates. We are looking forward to working with all the children in Year 3 this year. Our focus this year is to increase children’s confidence in their times tables and encourage them to continue with their love of reading.

Please click here to download the Y3 Topic Long Term Plan

     Long Term Plan Y3 23-24

Please click here to download the Y3 Maths Long Term Plan 

Please click here to download the Y3 Writing Standards 

Autumn Term

Our topic for Autumn 1 is ‘Stones and Bones’. This will take us back 12,000 years. We will be learning about a period of time from the Mesolithic times (the middle Stone Age) all the way to the Neolithic times (the late Stone Age). We will be learning about Stone Age jobs including hunter-gatherers and farmers, as well as houses and settlements, Stone Age landmarks and changes that happened during this period of time.

But how do we know about these times if there is no written evidence?


Key Vocabulary

Mesolithic                      Neolithic                       social                            economical                     hunter-gatherer                         farmers             archaeology                    immigrated revolution                      Stone Age                      Iron Age                       Bronze Age                    Ice Age                         BC/BCE                         AD                    time period

Learning what these words mean will help you during our first topic.




In English, we will start off by focusing on key Year 3 SPAG before learning to apply our reading skills to our writing. We will be reading Stig of the Dump and using this text to write a character description and a diary entry.   

In Maths, we will start the year by recapping our place value knowledge. This will then progress on to learning about formal written methods for Addition and Subtraction.

In Science, our focus is rocks and forces. We will investigate rocks and their properties as well as looking at how rocks and fossils are formed. Additionally, we will look at forces with a focus on push and pull.


Please click here to download the Autumn 1 Medium Term Planning

Autumn 1 MTP


Our topic for Autumn 2 is ‘Record Breakers’, learning about record breaking facts about our planet. We will be looking at the human and physical features of geography and comparing longest and shortest rivers, biggest and smallest countries and the tallest and shortest buildings around the world.


Do you know what the tallest building is in the world? Do you know what the longest river in the world is?


In English, we will be moving onto reading the book, The Creakers and write a piece of poetry and an adventure story based on what we have read.

In Maths, we will move onto written methods for multiplication and division. We will be learning about the 2, 5, 10, 3, 4 and 8 times tables. We will be learning this through using practical objects, pictures and through rapid recall. This is something we can also be practising at home in preparation for the Y4 multiplication check.


MTP will be added closer to the time.

Important Information

Our P.E days will be Wednesday and Friday.

Our weekly Spanish lesson will be on Thursday.

Our weekly spelling test will be on a Friday and our multiplication test will be on a Wednesday.

We will complete book swaps on a Wednesday.


Dates for your diary

SPAG workshop – Friday 18th October at 9:00 (no children will be involved).

Learning showcase & Christmas sing – Friday 12th December (time TBC).


Home Learning

We ask for you to read 3 times weekly and sign your child's planner.

Play on TT Rockstars and spelling shed. 

Each half-term we will also send out a home learning bingo grid with tasks for you to complete at home. Here are the Autumn challenges for you to try (remember each challenge is worth 1 Dojo):

Autumn 1 learning grid

Create a poster about bears.

Use TT Rockstars 12 times.

Can you double every number up to 20?

With an adult bake something and write instructions.

Create a replica of the Stonehenge.

Write someone in our class a letter, telling them what makes them amazing.

Help an adult with a household chore for a whole week.


Can you find out how to say your favourite colour in Spanish? Can you spell it?

Draw or make an animal that lived in the Stone Age.















Autumn 2 learning grid

Draw a family portrait. Around your picture, write facts about your family.

Research facts about the tallest building in Europe.

Can you double every number up to 20?

Practice your 3 times table – can you make a useful help sheet?

Create a fact file about the longest river in Europe.

Write a story based in a different country.

Keep your bedroom tidy every day, for one whole week.

Find out how to say the following words in Spanish:

England, Spain, river and building.

Create a simple family tree.



















Other home learning activities for the Autumn term are:

  • Read to an adult at least 4 times a week.
  • Roll 2 dice, what number do you get? (2 and 4 would make 24) Can you recall the number bond to make 100? Repeat.
  • Practise your spellings.
  • Practise the 2, 5, 10,3, 4,6 and 8 times tables. What about in reverse? 

Useful Websites

Times table rockstars – a useful webpage to practice times tables -

Topmarks –

Spelling shed – a useful way to practise new spelling rules that have been taught -

BBC Bitesize – this is a useful webpage where you can access learning with your child at home for different areas across the curriculum -